
Contentment at Work: How to Boost Employee Morale in the 21st Century Workplace

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Employee morale is something that many companies fail to prioritize. As employees are at the heart of service, they deserve to be treated with respect and care. Employee morale translates to a healthy company culture. By treating their employees fairly, the workplace is more productive.

What causes low morale among employees? Many employees experience low morale at work if there is a lack of growth in the job that they do. When a company fails to provide opportunities for growth, employees might feel unmotivated. Another common reason for low morale involves the changes and challenges in leadership. When employees feel that their leaders are incompetent or do not know the real situation of the company, it makes them feel that their work is worthless.

Aside from the reasons that were mentioned above, external factors can also cause low employee morale. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has filled each one with distractions and stressful episodes. Therefore, business leaders need to ensure that their people get the support that they deserve. Here are ways managers and leaders can contribute to boosting employee morale.

Encourage professional growth

Employees stay where they are valued and where they feel a sense of purpose. While a high salary could be a good motivator, not everyone measures fulfillment based on their paychecks. Growth does not equate to higher pay or a quick job promotion. Growth opportunities can include short-term counselling courses for managers or conferences that boost new employees’ professional as well as personal skills. Employees feel growth when their work provides them with more opportunities to grow holistically.

Promote work-life balance.

Sometimes, managers feel that pushing their team members to the limit motivates them to be better at work. However, doing frequent overtime and weekend work will eventually lead to employee burnout. The goal of managers should be to reduce stress and maintain a healthy balance between work and play.

It is important for company leaders to recognize the importance of mental and physical wellness in employee productivity. Hence, having programs that help employees reduce stress, whether at home or at work, can help them feel that they are seen and heard. This will lead to a positive effect not just on their work performance but even in their life after work.

Communicate with your employees

A powerful way to keep your employees motivated is to communicate with them. Transparency in communication is important in any relationship. This includes a leader’s relationship with their employees. While announcements and weekly updates help keep employees on track with the latest developments on projects, they also need an avenue to express their thoughts. A good way to do this is through weekly one-on-one sessions with their team leaders. These sessions should allow employees to express their thoughts regarding the project they are working with. It could serve as a coaching session or an avenue where they can express feedback. This builds a culture of trust between the manager and the team members.

company employees

Take time to appreciate good work

It is normal for companies to measure goals and quotas. High performance is expected of team members. Yet, they also need praise and encouragement so they’ll know that they are doing the right job. Appreciation is powerful. A quick praise or a thank you note would be a good start. Doing this can boost an employee’s morale right away.

Managers can show appreciation by providing incentives. Some companies offer monetary incentives, while others give employees extra paid vacations and other perks. Employees stay where they are appreciated.

Give teams a chance to bond outside work

It is important for team members to know who they’re working with. In fact, some employees stay in their current jobs because they like their friends at work. While working long hours on one project works for some, spending time outside the office can help team members know one another better. Company dinners are a great start to help team members bond outside work. Eventually, their teamwork will come naturally. Having an inclusive culture will help team members to work harmoniously.

Hire or assign effective managers

Leadership is one of the reasons employees feel low morale. Employees need leaders and managers who can carry them through stressful times. Many employees leave their jobs because their managers are not as competent or their leaders would not take responsibility for the work of the team.

Managers are responsible for boosting employee morale. Hence, it is important to assign effective managers. Managers should not only assign projects and give orders. They should also be part of the solution. Investing in managers who are trained and equipped to handle complicated situations can help fix low employee morale.

Employees stay where they thrive. When they are encouraged to do good work, they become more confident in their jobs. These tips can help companies maintain high employee morale despite challenging times.

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