How to Properly Install Your New Blinds

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There are many jobs around the house that are not ideal do-it-yourself tasks, and those are the types of jobs where it is probably a good idea to seek out some sort of professional assistance or guidance. As the attached video notes, however, commercial blind installation is not one of those types of jobs and is something most DIY-types can handle. Yes, commercial blind installation sounds somewhat technical, but the job itself is fairly straightforward and simple.

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With a few basic tools and some basic skills, many homeowners should be able to properly and safely install most types and styles of blinds. Before starting your commercial blind installation project, it is a good idea to be sure you have all the necessary tools, including a stepladder, power drill, tape measure, carpenters pencil (or marking instrument), and don’t forget your safety glasses and a helper.

Remember to take your time, to do a lot of double-checking before securing parts like brackets, and to ask questions if you aren’t sure. Your helper will be able to steady the stepladder, hold the blinds in place, and even hand you parts, tools, screws, and can make the job considerably easier. Last but not least, read any instructions that come with your blinds because it just might save you time, headaches, and mistakes in the end.


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