
Turn These Fun Hobbies into Money-Making Machines

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If you’ve been cooped up in the house for too long and you need a lucrative diversion, then this is the news you’ve been waiting for. You can use this time to transform your hobbies into money-making ventures!

Do you want to give yourself a head start? Check out these options below:

1. Jewelry Design

No, jewelry isn’t dead. In fact, its future looks bright. According to, costume jewelry alone could grow up to 7.8% between 2020 and 2027. By the end of the forecast period, its market value could already be worth $60 billion.

Although the demand for pieces made of gold, diamond, and gemstones are high, you can also explore jewelry manufacturing from less-expensive raw materials, such as wood. You can also let your imagination run wild to create stunning and unique options for your customers.

Even better, you can buy an acrylic sign engraving machine to cut odd-shaped accessories, allowing your work to stand out. You can sell these in various online marketplaces or create your own website. You can also look for retailers, so you can make these pieces in bulk and bring your production costs down.

2. Gardening

Do you have a green thumb? Then you can use that to your advantage. There’s a high demand for gardening supplies, including plants.

In the United States, the demand for vegetable and fruit seeds has been increasing since March. Although there’s no shortage for these yet, the market isn’t also saturated. You can participate by propagating cuttings or selling seeds to your community.

If you don’t have seeds for food, you can offer ornamental plants. Studies showed that adding greens at home can help reduce stress and even improve focus and productivity.

There’s also an extensive market for gardening supplies ranging from shovels to sheds. You can be a distributor or wholesaler and use your knowledge and expertise when marketing your products.

3. Baking

Food is life, they say, and if you have a knack for baking without using Betty Crocker, then you have a money-making talent. Here are a few profitable ideas:

  • Sell trendy baking products, such as gluten-free cookies or keto bombs and cakes.
  • Offer curbside deliveries.
  • Create a subscription plan (because who will say no to freshly baked bread every day?) for your customers.
  • Offer baking supplies, such as mixers and baking pans and sheets.
  • Create premixes.

4. Vlogging


Americans spend an average of 79 minutes a day on social media, but with this pandemic, up to 59% are already using it. Usage duration also increased to 80 minutes. Although the projection believes it will go back to normal or decline, it won’t happen until the later part of the year or early 2021.

What do all these data then mean to you? You can be a social media creator, particularly a vlogger. Of all kinds of media, vlogs (or video blogs) are the most popular since they are easy to share, highly engaging, and, of course, visual.

You can invest in a good-quality camera and perhaps a tripod for clear videos. From these, you can earn money through:

  • AdSense if you’re using YouTube
  • Sponsorships
  • Partnerships with other creators and brands
  • Merchandise
  • Courses

While these hobbies may less likely make you quit from your job, they’re a good distraction from everything that’s going on. As a bonus, you can build different funds for your needs and wants.

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