fixing the HVAC

Importance of Indoor Air Quality in a Pandemic

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In the early months of 2020, the world was taken aback by the COVID-19. People were forced to rethink how they can go on with their lives without getting infected by the virus. Many resorted to working and studying from home because it is the best choice they have at the moment.

Lockdowns have induced abrupt changes that made people examine how exactly their houses function. They paid closer attention to how they can make it a safe environment for their families. Regular sanitizing has transformed from a special chore to a common routine. The habit of cleaning surfaces more has become a regular thing to destroy any bacteria or virus that might have contaminated the surface.

So when further studies revealed that the coronavirus could also remain airborne for a longer period, homeowners scrutinize the air quality they breathe at home. What to do with polluted air outdoors can take a long discussion with so many people before you find a solution, but with indoor air, it is your call. It can be improved on the double with the right procedure. The air quality in the home is something everyone must pay attention to now more than ever. After all, people are staying indoors to avoid the risks of getting COVID-19 outside.

Mnay companies are now exploring to spread the proper use of HVAC systems, which meant an increase in HVAC digital marketing. HVAC companies are busier during this pandemic because more homeowners see their services as an urgent matter today.

Can HVAC systems help in protecting your family against coronavirus?

HVAC systems play a great role in protecting your family against coronavirus. As mentioned earlier, the coronavirus can stay airborne, so you would want to keep the air they breathe at home as clean as possible, so this invisible virus would not get the chance to survive there. This is where HVAC systems become crucial. It is capable of filtering the air your family will breathe as it circulates.

However, this system alone can’t guarantee you a hundred percent security. It is still best to follow other best practices recommended by the experts.

The same thing with air purifiers, it is nice to have them and—when used properly—can lower the risk of airborne viruses. But then again, they have to be used together with other recommended procedures to ensure maximum protection.


open window

Cleaning and disinfecting are outstanding ways to keep the coronavirus away from your house. However, these are not enough. Another key consideration is ventilation.

Ventilation is what’s responsible for removing and replacing the air you breathe inside a room. It removes pollution from the air before it goes inside the house using filters. It also eliminates virus-laden air that people exhale, which therefore betters the air that other people in the room will inhale. It is vital to increase the ventilation of a room whenever you are cleaning and sanitizing it because it allows air to circulate and ensure that air particles move around.

So better leave the doors and windows open during and after cleaning. This will also help release contaminants, including the coronavirus trapped inside your home. At the same time, find the right timing when to increase home ventilation. You do not want to it when there is pollution or when the temperature is too high or low.

While cleaning, sanitizing, and ventilation are great, be it noted that these are not enough to secure your family from getting infected by COVID-19. These are just a substantial part of a larger plan to keep your family safe and sound while staying indoors.

Risks in enclosed spaces with little airflow

The coronavirus can spread mainly between those who are within six feet away from each other for at least fifteen minutes. This is why the public is asked to avoid staying in closed spaces for long periods, such as churches, gyms, cinemas, and offices. The droplets a person produce from coughing, talking, and laughing form in the air and stays there because there is not enough room for the air to flow in enclosed spaces.

To reduce the risks of getting this infection, indoor airflow management must be strictly and properly implemented. And it’s no different when it comes to the rooms in your home.

The bottom line

The HVAC system controls the airflow in your home. It filters out contaminants from the air coming into your home so you can breathe quality indoor air and promotes healthy air circulation.

Better indoor air quality reduces the risks of being infected by the coronavirus, and when tools and methods are used altogether properly, it can prevent the spread of the coronavirus among the family members in your very own home.

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