Is the Digital Age a Friend or a Foe to Home Security?

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It cannot be disputed that the developments in digital technology have transformed every aspect of our lives. In the digital age, everything we use from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep is powered by technological innovations that make our lives easier. We used to have those loud and completely analog alarm clocks that only go off during designated times. Today, we can set alarms multiple times to go off using our smartphones and other devices with working alarm features. The developments are all-encompassing, and narrowing every single aspect down would be time-consuming.

The disruptions that stemmed from digital innovations that affected how we go on about our daily lives are mostly beneficial. However, there is no such thing as a perfect innovation. As advancements are made toward making the quality of life better increases, creating negative disruptions also increases to counter positive developments. Invaders, whether physical or digital, also feed off of the evolution of digital technology. Such is the case for the maintenance of security—specifically home security.

What are home security systems?

As parts of our professional and personal lives inevitably evolve with digital technology processes involved in making our daily journeys also change. Home security, for one, is involved in this process. Its main purpose is to secure entry points and monitor movement inside interior spaces that contain the residents’ valuables.

Home security systems are networks of integrated devices powered by electricity that work together with a central control panel to protect the homeowners from intruders and other potential intruders. The typical home security system has a control panel acting as the central controller of the entire system, sensors for doors and windows, exterior and interior motion sensors, security cameras, and sound-trigger alarms, among others.

The system is designed to allow homeowners to monitor movement inside and outside their homes. However, the prevention of threats is impossible without the owner or emergency responders interfering with the occurrence. Utilizing home security systems to their maximum potential involves correct installation, calibration, and maintenance.

Hiring experts in security camera installation should be considered for cameras are the main parts of home security systems. They allow for monitoring and aid in situations wherein reactive measures are integral. Reactive measures are the use of recorded material produced by security cameras for investigative and future prevention initiatives. To put it simply, homeowners and, at times, law enforcement use taped videos to give themselves grasps of matters that occurred previously. Hence, proper installation and maintenance would provide security benefits.


How did the digital age change home security systems?

The transformation of digital technology has given way for home security to develop itself. Nowadays, homeowners prefer to have their entire home’s controlled by central internet-powered systems that work to alert them of invaders, unusual activity inside and outside their homes and control their electronics without moving around and operating them themselves.

In terms of traditional centralized home security systems mentioned in the previous section, home security cameras improved picture quality as cameras developed quickly. The images and videos used to come out in black and white, with picture quality that is inadequate most of the time when it comes to gaining relevant information from playing them back.

Motion sensors can also be controlled to allow certain movements from house pets and children not to get triggered without any real emergency. However, setting these parameters is best left in the hands of home security companies that possess more in-depth knowledge about their products and procedures.

Working parents also benefit from improved security systems that let them know of the presence of their children when they are away at work. Technology has also allowed them to communicate through installed home security systems. However, this method of supervision does not go over actual adult supervision.

Is the digital evolution an aid to improving home security?

This can be answered by how homeowners and home security companies utilize potential and current technological advancements relevant to them. The incorrect usage of these systems can lead to potentially dangerous security threats. Digital and internet-powered systems are prone to malicious hacking and can be done by people who can access homes and gain private information. Like persona computers that store private data, digitalized home security systems are prone to digital attacks that can be dangerous, especially if left unresolved.

The proper use of these systems all boils down to expert care and advice as they are aware of the ropes that are not visible to the regular homeowner.

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