assisted living

Signs That It’s Time For Assisted Living

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Taking care of a senior parent or loved one can be stressful, most especially if they have been diagnosed with dementia or other illness. It can be emotionally taxing to see your parent or loved one not being able to take care of themselves, most notably when it was they who used to take care of you. Although it may be difficult to admit that your senior parent will need help in managing their daily life, you may want to consider moving them to a retirement community to ensure that they are safe.

In some cases, for seniors in Ogden, assisted living becomes necessary, and the only option that is best for an aging loved one. Here are the signs that you should watch for to know if this is the time to consider assisted living.

Worsening medical conditions

As your parents or loved ones age, there is a higher probability of them to develop a chronic medical condition. Medical conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease can be debilitating, especially with no proper care. As a person who has these conditions is getting older, he becomes less capable of taking care of themselves; hence, the need for medical attention. Also, as your seniors age, the potential of having a medical emergency increases. If your loved one has experienced an accident or even a close call, then it is not safe for them to be living alone anymore.

Strange body odor

If you notice that your elderly has developed a strange body odor, then it should be considered as a sign that there is a problem. An unpleasant body odor may indicate poor hygiene. Although it is quite challenging to discuss this issue, it is still something that needs to be addressed to assure you that your loved one’s well being and health is being protected. However, for some cases of a sudden strange body odor, the senior may have a severe medical condition that needs immediate attention.

Lack of active friendships

woman talking to caregiver

Active friendship plays a vital role in having a healthy lifestyle. However, for elderlies, they find it harder to maintain an active friendship, and there is even a chance to lose friendships and relationships, which should be addressed right away. This is especially alarming for those who are not working anymore and have suddenly disengaged themselves from group activities and hobbies. This may also be a reason for the seniors to isolate themselves and may result in depression, addiction, or even mortality.

Monetary issues

One of the most overlooked signs that suggest that your senior loved one should be moved to an assisted living is their difficulty in managing their money. As your seniors are aging, it becomes more difficult for them to keep up with their piling financial responsibilities because of their lack of motivation to pay for them, or they just really can’t. Aging also makes them more prone to financial scams, which puts them to an even more complicated financial situation.

Keeping up with the house is neglected

Keeping the house clean and clutter-free plays a vital role in the health of your aging parent, which they may find challenging to do as they age. When their home is untidy and suddenly has an odor, then it is an indication that they cannot live on their own anymore. This is because their physical abilities hinder them from cleaning up after themselves.

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