IT employee

Signs You Should Upgrade Your Server ASAP

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A server is a crucial business asset. It’s expensive, difficult to maintain, and requires a lot of attention to maintain smooth operations. This is the reason why businesses should upgrade their servers regularly, but it is also the reason why some businesses put off upgrading their server until operations are suffering immensely.

If you have a high-quality server, it will likely last for years and require little maintenance. However, there will always come a time when upgrading your server becomes more of a necessity than an optional luxury. Is it time to upgrade your server? If you notice these signs, then the answer is probably ‘yes’.

Increased need for maintenance

Are you spending more and more time repairing and maintaining your server? Are you calling the SQL server support service more frequently? If you’re spending too much money on server maintenance, enough for it to be no longer cost-effective, then it’s high time for an upgrade. Band-aid solutions can get you by for short periods of time, but your server will eventually give up and start affecting your company’s performance. Buy a new server before that happens to put your repair money in a much better place.

Extremely reduced speed

When your employees open a program, then have enough time to make coffee before that program loads, then your server is too slow to maintain a good rate of productivity. Poor productivity is the direct result of an incredibly slow server, and it will most likely cause delays as well as employee dissatisfaction.

Low disk space and a slow processor are the usual culprits to a turtle-like server. You can add disk space to your current server, but expansion is limited. You can also upgrade your processor only, but it is inherently more cost-effective to just invest in a new server.

Expired warranty

Once your server’s warranty expires, the manufacturer is no longer obligated to provide support. This means that you have to hire a technician to fix future issues and spend money on replacement parts. Hence, if your server’s warranty is about to expire or has already expired, consider upgrading your warranty or upgrading the server itself, if needed.

Loud noise

A server gets louder as its moving parts and fans grow older. That said, a loud server is an indication that it is nearing the end of its lifespan, meaning that there could also be impending issues. If your server is making too much noise, it’s time to look for replacement parts or consider replacing your server entirely.

server room

Higher power bills

The older a server is, the more electricity it requires to operate. This is the case for legacy servers that have to give it their all to keep running, and thus use a lot more power than normal.

Surplus power usage on top of a possible failure in the near future is a sign that you should upgrade to a new server. Newer, modern servers are more energy-efficient, have cutting-edge cooling systems, and are able to regulate power more efficiently. Aside from cutting down your electricity bill, upgrading to a new server will also improve your system’s capabilities.

Critical processes

If your server hosts critical business functions, having it die on you is not an option. The general recommendation is to update servers at least once every three years to keep up with technological developments. Wait too long to upgrade and your servers can fail, taking down your critical business processes with it. So if business continuity is a top priority, keeping your server up to date should be up there as well.

Security risks

Outdated servers are more susceptible to cyberattacks because they no longer receive security patches. This makes it easier for cybercriminals to work around the security and gain access to your system. At that point, they can cause massive devastation to your company by stealing sensitive information, locking out your computers, deleting your files, and much, much more.

Mobile incompatibility

If you want employees to be able to use the company network on their mobile devices, keeping a slow, outdated server won’t cut it. Retrofit your current server to give it mobile support capabilities, upgrade your OS if hardware permits, or just bite the bullet and buy a new server that is mobile-ready.

Sticking to an old server will increase your expenses in the long run, which means that in most cases, upgrading your server will be more cost-effective as it is productive for your company. While upgrades are inherently expensive, they are worth it if it means getting a more secure, more efficient server.

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