Sports Team Branding

Why and How You Should Build Your Sports Team Branding

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Every sports team constantly seeks to step up their game, but this should not be limited to the athletics department — you should pay attention to your branding, as well. Your brand is what you want the world to know your team for. Unsure about how to go at it? Here is some coaching.


Your brand represents your team

Companies use branding so that customers will see their business in a positive light. But you do not have customers as a sports team, so why do you need branding?

The main targets of sports team branding are your fans, club members, sponsors, and their performance and personalities. As how businesses want to be perceived by customers in a way that makes them pay for products and services, you want your targets to perceive you in a way that makes them cheer for you, support you, and have high regard for you.

Technology has changed the playing field


Thanks to the Internet, you can brand yourself like a pro, even if you are a smaller team. You do not have to solely rely on your local area and hometown to find players, fans, and sponsors. Through the Internet, you will be able to reach a much larger audience.


However, this also sets the bar higher. The leveling of the playing field means that everyone can market their brand online. You will be competing with a lot more teams, and steeply, too. Just a little slip can injure your entire brand. So, it is important to set yourself apart from the crowd.


Think of how you want to be known


Defining your team is the first order of business when creating your brand. Dive into the nitty gritty of who you are and who you aspire to be. Do not paint yourself as something you are not. Instead, find an image of your team that you can identify with and are comfortable to represent.

Think your values through, and what you stand for. The image should be bigger than the wins and losses on the field or the court, and endures through the ups and downs of your team. Do not hesitate to spend time brainstorming on it with everyone in the team.


Turn the ideas to a brand


Once you have a sense of your team’s desired identity, it is time to translate it into a brand. One of the first steps is to design a logo, which encapsulates the team’s essence. Your logo also ties up with your main colors and team name.


Build your brand voice next. It is how you communicate with your targets, especially online. Speaking in a recognizable tone makes your messages relatable and gives you personality. People will easily identify and engage with you once you have found your brand voice.


Communicate your brand across all channels


Apply your team branding congruently, so people can get familiar with and start recognizing it. Pay attention to your website design and make sure that the site has your team colors. The logo should be prominent on your website and across all social media accounts. When sending out marketing messages, including social media replies, your voice should be consistent.

Your brand is your team identity, and it will change as your team progresses. Do not be afraid to try new things and reinvent when needed. As long as you have your game face on and stay true to yourself, you can maintain an effective sports team brand.


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