IT person using the computer

IT Department: The 3 Team Members It Should Have

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The IT department has become a significant part of any company's structure nowadays. Keeping the business running takes the efforts of a team that can handle your data, network, and infrastructure from within. Having the right roles filled is crucial in keeping the wheels turning, so here are some of the most important positions you should have in your Information Technology team.

  • A database administrator

Hiring a Microsoft SQL Server DBA can be one of the best moves you can make for your company, especially if you are targeting expansion. Finding experienced employees is much more accessible these days, and you can even hire someone solely for this specific service so that you don't have to create a new full-time position that you need to take on. That can save you some expenses while still providing you with a much-needed service.

Having a database administrator makes the management and monitoring of your SQL servers more efficient. It vetoes the need for making any existing core team members from having to handle something out of their purview. Specialists also do backups to ensure that everything is safe and recoverable.

An administrator ensures that someone keeps a constant check on your infrastructure's functionality, from the hardware to the software.

  • A security engineer

Good cybersecurity is essential for companies, as data needs to be protected from a loss that can stem from either theft, malicious destruction, or system failure. Just as you would need a security team for physical assets, you should invest in the protection of your information and digital property.

A cybersecurity engineer would not only keep your system safe from hackers and viruses, but they can also implement practices and solutions that can solve any security issues you face. They can help your other employees with their handling of company data as well. They can integrate software to keep your system safe and do regular checks to ensure that new threats won't be a problem as time passes.

This part of the team would also be able to work hand-in-hand with your admins to ensure that all data is backed up. They know that there is always a copy available on the off chance that a hardware failure or human error causes possible data loss.

  • A hardware specialist

A lot of people go to the IT department when their computer has a problem or the printer is jammed. That kind of stuff doesn't necessarily fall under the expertise of all members of your tech team, especially if their primary responsibility is to maintain your network and digital space. 

Still, it's always the IT department that is called on for repair needs and help. That is why you should have a team member who specializes in hardware maintenance. They can determine the problems that could be cropping up with the machinery or equipment. They can fix it themselves or, at the very least, know the next steps that need to be done, even if it means having to reach out externally for in-depth fixes. That is great for easy solutions as well as figuring out when it may be time to get an upgrade.

With these members in your IT department, your business can run much more smoothly, and you know that your internal and external system is safe and protected.

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