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Settling the Score: Should You Get a Laptop or a PC?

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When it comes to computers, the market offers consumers a wide variety of options. Between laptops and desktops alone, it can be confusing trying to pick the “right” option for your needs and wants. Add the fact that smartphones and tablets are slowly creeping up to the same level of functionality as the previous two, although these certainly have a ways to go. So, for now, the question really is choosing between a laptop and a desktop. How exactly should you decide? Let’s take a deeper look into this matter.

The Case for Laptops

The biggest selling point for laptops is its portability. With a screen size of 17 inches or less, it is easy to carry anywhere and everywhere. There is no need to sacrifice any productivity as you can take the laptop with you and use it without the need for a power outlet, at least until its battery runs low.

There’s also the ease of assembly with laptops, or rather, lack of it. Just hit the power button and your laptop is ready to use. It comes with a charger and that’s pretty much the only thing that you have to attach to it. Other accessories are also easily attachable to its USB ports, such as disc drives and external hard drives.

Customization has been traditionally a weak spot for laptops, but that aspect has been improving over the last few years. There are now quite a number of custom laptop builders you can get in touch with if you want to have better control over your rig’s specs and form factor. Granted, it still does not match the level of customizability of desktops, but it is still one way of providing flexibility, performance, and upgradability.

The Case for Desktops

Let’s get the downside out of the way: desktops are bulky and you cannot move it around. It’s something that you would have to place in your home and let sit there every time you use it. You cannot lug it around as easily as you would a laptop.

That said, desktops do win out the performance and upgradability aspects of computers. It is easier to swap out parts and change it when it breaks or when you feel you need more computing power. The cost also works out better for PCs, as these tend to be cheaper to assemble if you purchase it per part, as opposed to buying a prebuilt laptop. Of course, you will need to do extensive research if you want to build a PC from scratch.

The Verdict

Programmer using laptop and PC, information coding

All in all, the decision whether to buy a laptop or a desktop boils down to your needs. What exactly do you plan to use the computer for? If it’s for everyday use or basic productivity, a laptop can get the job done despite its limited upgradability and performance. For more resource-heavy tasks such as gaming, rendering videos, or creative projects, a desktop might be more suitable for you. While lacking in portability, desktops do have an edge in terms of performance and upgradability. Coming up with a decision is easier when you have a clear purpose in mind.

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