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Marketing Strategies for Your Homeschool Program

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Although education is mandatory until college in Australia, not all students enter the four-walled classrooms. Many of them are at home.

According to the Conversation, Australia has over 20,000 homeschooled children, and the demand continues to increase. For instance, from 2013 to 2017, the number of children learning in their homes rose to nearly 1,500.

The coronavirus pandemic will further boost the demand as parents might prefer to enroll their kids in a homeschooling program for their safety.

If you’re running a homeschool, now is the best time to take advantage of the growing market. Here are four strategies you should not miss:

1. Optimize Your Website

You likely have a website, but it’s not generating traffic or, worse, converting leads. You, therefore, need some SEO services.

SEO stands for search engine optimization, in which the goal is to improve the searchability of your website. For example, when someone types ‘homeschool in Australia,’ your page appears on the list, preferably on the first page. Better yet, you get the top spot.

Based on Google Trends for ‘homeschool’ over the last 12 months, the keyword’s popularity rose, especially during March and April 2020. A growing number of parents want to know more about it. Don’t miss the chance by skipping (and skimping) on SEO.

2. Know Your Target Market

If you’re failing to convert, it could be because you’re not attracting the correct market. For one, states and territories have different requirements for homeschooling programs. Further, according to the Conversation, parents choose to homeschool because:

  • They cannot afford to send their kids to a regular school.
  • They have cultural concerns or differences with the school.
  • They tried conventional schooling, and it didn’t work.

When you know your target market, you can identify the right message to deliver. It will also help streamline your marketing strategies. To help you describe the market, create a buyer’s persona.

website homepage

3. Engage in Social Media

It’s not only kids who are on social media—parents are too! In the United States, for instance, almost 60% of mothers actively used social media in 2018, according to Statista.

Meanwhile, a Pew Internet survey in 2015 revealed that an overwhelming 75% of moms and dads headed to Facebook and Twitter to get information and social support.

Having a Facebook page or a Twitter account, though, isn’t enough. You need to make it work with these tips:

  • Consider Facebook Ads. This costs money, but it allows you to publish ads on a more targeted audience.
  • Schedule posts accordingly. Industry data showed that the best time to post is at 1 pm. This is after lunchtime when people are more relaxed. You can also publish around 7 pm when parents are already at home or less busy. The best day is during the weekend, especially Sunday. Social media platforms, such as Buffer, can provide you with analytics to help you plan your schedules.
  • Engage. Take the time to answer comments or private messages. Share valuable content you found online and on your website.

4. Use Social Proof

How vital is an online review? According to Bright Local, over 80% of consumers read them with over 50% saying they do it all the time. Meanwhile, less than 60% would consider a business with fewer than four stars.

Social proofing is one of the core principles of influence, said Professor Robert Cialdini. It is also a vital tool for persuasion. If you want to use it for your homeschooling program, consider these:

  • Share testimonial videos of both parents and children.
  • Create a free webinar and allow some parents to talk about their experience.
  • Encourage them to read reviews on your social media accounts and Google My Business listing.

Running a homeschooling program in Australia gives you a distinct advantage: the market isn’t saturated yet. However, you can’t be complacent either. Use your head start wisely with these four marketing tips.

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